After three decades of its successful operation and the FOC becoming an icon on Sri Lankan expatriate calendar, nearly thirty OBAs of leading schools in Sri Lanka in the UK participated in the Cricket Festival
The Ananda Summer Ball 2022 of The Association of Old Anandians in the UK was held successfully at the Renaissance Hotel Heathrow on the 25th of June 2022. This year is very special to Anadians as their Alma Mater is celebrating 135 years of existence and the 40th anniversary of the AOA in the United Kingdom.
Sigiriya Restaurant in Hale,Greater Manchester voted The Best Fine Dining Restaurant at the Asian Restaurant Awards 2022.This is a major honour and an achievement Sigiriya have added to their name, as there was some tough competition for the top spot.
'Kandyan Dancers' is the only social media platform aiming to connect all Sri Lankan dancers on a global scale!. They showcased its first ever Sri Lankan Cultural Dance show at Rudolph Steiner Theatre in London.
A special felicitation Ceremony and a Puja were held at Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre (London Kingsbury Vihra) to bless the head of vihara Aggamahapandita Venerable Galayaye Piyadassi Sangha Nayaka Thero on his 75th Birthday
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