Sri Lanka Ex-Service Persons’ Association in the United Kingdom (SLESPA – UK ) Commemorates the Ending of three decades long War in Sri Lanka
SLESPA – UK commemorated the annual Multi-faith religious ceremony to invoke the blessings on all those personnel of Tri – Services, Police and all victims Killed in action(KIA) and all affected civilian communities of all races. on 1st July at the London Buddhist Vihara under the auspices of Ven Bogoda Seelawimala –Head of LBV & Sanghanayake of Gt. Britain and by the multifaith religious dignitaries representing Buddhist, Hinduism, Catholicism and Islam.
The morning Buddhist religious session conducted the offering to the Buddha & offering to community of monks followed by ‘Pan Vaduma ‘ & offering all the blessings & sharing of ‘merit’ to all those affected and all Sri Lankans living across the globe followed by Dana offered to all resident monks and guest monks.
The Chief Guest for the days’ event was Her Excellency Saroja Sirisena, High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to the United Kingdom (she is also ex-officio Patron of our Association). She was received to the event by Brigadier Wijayanath Jayaweera, Defence attache’ to UK & Vice Patron of SLESPA-UK, Flt.Lt.(Dr) Sunanda Jayaratne – President, Sqn.Ldr(Dr), Ruwan Weerapperuma – General Secretary and Capt(Dr) Sena Nanayakkara as Master of Ceremony- all officials of the Association.
Afterwards, all the guests, members & families were served with a sumptuous Sri Lankan buffet meal.
The President welcomed the large gathering present. and briefly highlighted the aims & objectives of the Association & charitable activities done over the years since its inception in 2009.
The chief guest Mrs Saroja Sirisena, in her address, outlined the history of the inception and the crucial role played by the Tri-Forces and Police in the country to maintain law & order and praised SLESPA-UK members for organising such an event. All the religious dignitaries then addressed the audience & offered their blessings/prayers for lasting peace & prosperity for Sri Lanka & all citizens as united Sri Lankans
Capt.(Dr) Sena Nanayakkara proposed vote thanks. Our thanks to Manjula for all the photos shown.
( Prepared jointly by Sqr.Ldr.Ruwan Weerapperuma & Capt. (Dr) Sena Nanayakkara